1938-1630 BC: Beni Hasan

1938-1630 BC
Beni Hasan in Abu Qurqas, Menia Governorate, Egypt

The Beni Hassen are tombs carved into limestone hills on the East Bank of the Nile. This necropolis hosts around 39 tombs for powerful politicians during the Middle Kingdom. It is most distinctive due to its unique style of decoration like colored wall paintings.

One of the notable tombs is the Tomb of Amenmehat which has a more complicated and decorated tomb. He was the last official who was given a royal name in the 7th period. The design of his tomb has a central courtyard and two pillars leading toward the main entrance of his chapel. The tomb itself is an open rectangular space. The paintings on the wall of the tomb described his daily life and the prosperity of the land he governs.

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